Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Portal 2 game review

Testing is the future, and the future starts with you! Here we are for my first game review, and I do realise its an old game. Portal 2 is genuinely one of my favourite games ever. Anyone who knows me knows I commonly trade in games as soon as I've finished them. However,I have just completed this game for the 4th time and would happily play it again.

The rest of this review will require you to have some knowledge of portal so I will announce a potential spoiler alert. We start in a room containing some basic furniture and it is here that we meet our companion Wheatley (voice acted by Stephen Merchant). This fun little core will help guide you through the initial test chambers and eventually lead you to awaken and attempt to defeat GLaDOS (who was your enemy in the original portal game). Wheatley will help you through the aperture science facility, "hacking" doors and providing some light humour.

In this instalment we also get to see the original aperture science, with some older appearance to the areas and the voice of aperture's founder, Cave Johnson. He will also provide you with some tips and laughs throughout your track along the old testing facility. The evolution of the environment proves that "when  life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade". On your travels through this area you will meet up with the potato version of GLaDOS, made as Wheatley takes over the facility. She will also discover some secrets about herself on this journey. I don't wish to mention any more about the single player but I will say that the ending is one of the best I've seen in a while, very similar to portal 1.

There is also a cooperative testing initiative to play through with one of your friends. You will take control of p-body and atlas, two robots designed by GLaDOS to explore the possibilities of cooperative testing. Navigate your way through five (now six thanks to free DLC) courses, overcoming various obstacles on your way through. As far as cooperative gameplay goes I would say this is one of the best. There are very easy ways to communicate with each other and special features such as a timer so you both press buttons at the correct time (very useful in a game like this). I would recommend playing through this using Skype to chat with your partner as there will be clearer conversations and you can communicate when between loading screens and before joining each other in game.

Overall, I would say Portal 2 is one of my favourite games of 2011 and of all time. Lots of humour and solid gameplay. You will struggle if you are not great at puzzle games but in my opinion, if you don't play portal 2, you have no soul. Go out and buy this now, the next DLC is apparently a level creator so we can all create our own test chambers. I have no idea when this is out but knowing valve, we'll never be sure.

Happy Testing.

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